Emergency Management Agency

507 Shoe Factory Road
Blairsville, GA 30512

Contact Person:
Director: R. David Dyer, GA PCEM
Deputy EMA Director: Richard Jones, GA CEM
Deputy EMA Director: Brent Long, GA CEM
Deputy EMA Director: Ernie Pruitt
Administrative: Jeannie Matheson, GA CEM

Contact Details:
Emergency Phone: 911
Non-Emergency Phone: (706) 439-6091

The Emergency Management Agency office is responsible for maintaining the County Emergency Operations Plan and for the overall management of any disaster that should befall Union County, responding to all types of emergencies such as lost persons on trails, injury, floods, large scale fires, blizzards, etc.

Working closely with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency, (GEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) the American Red Cross and other state and federal agencies, Union County is very well prepared in case of emergency. In the past eighteen years, Union County has responded to three federally declared disasters and received funds to handle damage from a blizzard in 1993 and a tornado that hit the county in 1998 and a hurricane in 2004.